AFFINITIY AND GAMBLER'S 8 BABIES!!!!! Gambler and Affinity had their 2nd litter together on September 2nd, 2014. This is the largest litter we have ever had..... She had EIGHT! And every single one is Brown Rosetted! She has 2 adorable boys and 6 gorgeous girls! This litter is AMAZING, and all 8 are thriving and growing daily.
Tan Collar Boy.............Brenda and Grandson Angelo Blue Collar Boy...........Kris and Julie of MO White Collar Girl.........Chris and Kristy of KS Green Collar Girl.........Seth and Ashlee of KS Orange Collar Girl.......Kevin and Heidi of MO Purple Collar Girl..........Kris and Julie of MO Red Collar Girl............... Summer in Ohio Yellow Collar Girl.........Keeping....."Ziva" - Upcoming Queen
Below is a slideshow of photos of Affinity's Red Girl "Aruba" requested by her future owner, Summer in Ohio. (Photos were taken December 18th.) Aruba is getting even more gorgeous daily and her rosettes are still opening up further. She is a deep rich brown with both reddish and golden aspects to her pelt, which is also slick as silk. She also has an amazing personality. She's going home with Summer in January....and I can't wait to see what Summer thinks when she meets her! Aruba will be joining her "big brother" Malakai, who is a bengal boy Summer got from us last year. They should have lots of fun together!
Below is a slideshow of Affinity's 8 babies in their 3rd week. These 2 boys and 6 girls are absolutely precious! And they have stunning contrast with rosettes that are opening up nicely!
Below is a slideshow of Affinity's 8 babies from Sept. 21st at 19 days old. These babies are already looking gorgeous!
Below is a slideshow of Affinity's Sept. 2nd litter of EIGHT! These are photos leading up to delivery time, the birth, and the first 24 hours. I put their colored collars on them at 12 hours old. All 8 are brown rosetted, so the collars are really needed! Blue and Tan Collars are boys, rest are all girls!
Here are the weekly ages and health schedule for this litter as they grow:
1 week old on Sept 9 2 weeks old on Sept 16 3 weeks old on Sept 23 4 weeks old on Sept 30 1st dose Baycox 5 weeks old on Oct 7 2nd dose Baycox 6 weeks old on Oct 14 1st dose Safe-guard 7 weeks old on Oct 21 8 weeks old on Oct 28 1st vaccination, 2nd dose Safe-guard 9 weeks old on Nov 4 1st Revolution dose applied 10 weeks old on Nov 11 Spay/Neuter Surgery, Microchip Insertion, 3rd dose Safe-guard 11 weeks old on Nov 18 2nd vaccination 12 weeks old on Nov 25 Should be ready to go to their new homes around this time. 13 weeks old on Dec 2 2nd Revolution dose due 14 weeks old on Dec 9 3rd (final booster) kitten vaccination due 15 weeks old on Dec 16 16 weeks old on Dec 23 Rabies vaccination due
***Baycox (Toltrazuril) dose of .2 ml given to each kitten on days 28 and 35 to prevent Coccidia ***Safe-guard (Fenbendazole) dose of .5 ml given to each kitten at 6, 8, and 10 weeks to prevent worms ***Vaccines are 4-way for: Feline Rhinotracheitis, Calici, Panleukopenia, and Chlamydia Psitttaci ***Revolution topical applied for prevention of Fleas, Heartworms, Ear Mites, and most worms